"When Camilla saw the truck that was heading right at her, she froze in the middle of the road. Her irrepressible curiosity kept him from closing his eyes and she had no time to cry. .. No, she found herself lying face down in an unknown forest planted with tall trees. Here you are, therefore, Ewilan. We long sought thee, my brothers and me to finish what was started, but you were found ... "
The opinion of the Mammoth:
proclaim immediately the color: from the first lines of the first page of the first volume, the Mammoth had a énooorme favorite for this trilogy! In point of swallowing the three books at once, without a break!

Why? Well, that's where all the magic of the case: it is difficult to explain! Because writing, simple and catchy at once, takes us into the story from the beginning? Because the author has skillfully shaped engaging characters, amazing, so alive that would hardly surprised to cross at a bend street? Because there is in this story a very successful mixture of feelings, adventure, fantasy? Because there is no downtime, no fatigue, no heaviness in style?
I know damn nothing, but one thing is certain: I will not wait long to immerse myself in the second trilogy, because I can not wait to find Ewilan and his companions in the remainder of their adventures!
Another certainty, I am sorry to have discovered this series so late, and I curse the fatal accident which deprived us of a beautiful pen ...
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