The Mammoth crossed this tag on a nice blog which hitherto was unknown to him, and he wanted to adopt ... In addition, it has occupied his lunch break! it's perfect!
1 / When you were little (e), that you answer the question: "And you, what do you do when you grow up (e)? "
Must specify that the Mammoth, even almost thirty years, is still not great in the strict sense of the word?? Okay, seriously ... I answered that the Most often, I wanted to become a police officer. If so. Like those I saw in my favorite series, that is to say around here in the U.S.. In fact, I trained to hunt the criminal in my garden with a toy gun, handcuffs (and almost true!) And cap (Prison Supervisor) on the head. Later, I realized that police also suffering from a phobia of blood fat that I would not make a long and distinguished career. So I decided that I will become ... a private detective, mouarf. I remember exchanging a few emails with a true private very nice gave me advice on the way forward to break into the profession. But what is funny is that at school, teachers ... I answered that I wanted to become a teacher. I never mentioned anything. Because I felt good, little one, it would have just arrested (a girl is supposed to want to become a nurse, a veterinarian, but police ... arg!), And two small, I was kind of brush- brush, I knew it would make them happy always. Not even ashamed. As a teenager, I swept it all, and when the hour of "what I'll do it later" came (question fateful and dreadful!) I realized that basically, I was not dreaming of much ... Not taking work too, not too hard, not too routine anyway ... I was lucky, chance decided for me, and now here I am carrying, lol.
2 / What were your favorite comics and cartoons?
I'm not very animated ... My mother keeps me as I watched a lot yet, but I had to be on autopilot, because I have not the slightest recollection ... I've never felt drawn to Disney, for example (as I love the movies they produce, both cartoons leave me indifferent !)... I liked the series with robots, having said that, like the Turbo Rangers (do not laugh !!)...
Comics ... I have read a number, Achilles Heel, Ball & Bill, GastonLagaffe, Asterix, Lucky Luke ... Especially with my grandparents, because ... there was not much else to read. I liked it, but I admit that now when I read two comics per year is the best!
3 / What were your favorite games?
Damned. This Is The Question! The games I did not like, it's simple, it was all games called "girl". Dolls ended gutted, private heads, legs, arms, and directly put in the trash. I loved stuffed animals, by cons. And most importantly, I had a huge soft spot for small cars (I had a hundred, with the large garage that went with it!), The Lego ... and of course, plastic guns. I imagine that at the present time, it'll be worth a detour to shrink the box ... (Because a friend of mine still dare to send her little girl of seven years with the shrink, just because she did not play with dolls ... Ugh.)
4 / What was your best birthday and why?
Frankly ... I do not know, in the sense that I always hated my birthday. So I've never held a celebration for the occasion. Why celebrate something that depresses me, seriously?? Even my 18 years I have done nothing at all! on my birthday, I turn into a bear, and I j'hiberne growls if m'enquiquine!
5 / What would you absolutely wanted to do that you have not already done?
Damned (again) ... The question that upset! What I really want to do, I absolutely always wanted to do and I absolutely look forward to soon, my too famous living language, the USA or England ... I want to go three weeks minimum, while immersed in an English speaking country. The catch? 1 / succeed to have three weeks off without incurring the wrath of my direction, 2 / succeed to put three weeks of unpaid leave to see my Deputy défenestrer despair; 3 / able to fund three weeks to die without issue a heart attack at the sight of the missing in the savings account. Yep, I'm dumb, but my savings for me is just the Grail ... When I touch, I feel like committing a sacrilege, and it poisons my existence. Gotta be crazy, I know. But I become relatively calibrated when it comes under. I'm anxious overdraft, while I've never been overdrawn once in ten years ... Should not try.
6 / What was your first favorite sport?
I would nap well, except that I always hated to sleep ... uh ... None. Really. I'm not sporty for a penny, the course sports has always been my great curse.
7 / What was your first music idol?
And then I began to wonder if I would not cross extraterrestrial ... I do not remember having had a ... I'm not very oriented "idols" in fact, even now. I like some singers, some players, but it is limited to that ...
8 / What is the greatest gift of Christmas (or equivalent) you received?
My first computer, an Amstrad 6128 + ... It is also the last gift in large part by my grandmother, who died the following year. (I always think a bit to her when I sit at a computer, because it's a PC that I became Geek. ^ ^
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