Cuckoo, the blogosphere!
is Aaron who took keyboard Mom quietly, while she made an inventory of my clothes that are too small.
is true that in less than a week I would celebrate my 2 years, but still
Blowin my dad dress in size 18 and my mom shoes in size 42.
j'grandis I know, but still must not abuse it! Imagine
the head of my father if I put my pants size 18 months and exercise
impracticable my mother about to put my shoes size 21!
Good admit, it was great fun to walk like a spaceman in the jacket of my older brother 17 years and running shoes with candy. Instead, look
Finally, I do not speak of my meeting with Father Christmas because he made me too scared, the picture on his knees was a disaster, I wept bitterly, thankfully, Mom gave me a big hug to comfort me. So, do not expect the picture Mom said she was not publishable because it happens to fit mother with her stupid smile next to her son's crying! And his son
me, I confirm!
I let you remember to kiss my girlfriends blogosphere, 2Paola, Sarah, and Elyn Apolline. For guys, you're too many for me to appoint you but I salute you!
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